Welcome to the Liulay Nishmat Chana Bat Moshe Annie Kadoche Shalom Challenge Page

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Recent Participants
  • Meir Kadoche Kimhi
    love you Meme! learning something new for you!
  • Nathalie Kadoche Kimhi
    I love you Maman💞 May your neshama have the highest aliyah.
  • Ma'ayan Alisa CHANA Kadoche Kimhi
    Happy to be doing this in your honor. I miss you💕
  • Vanessa Attias
    For my maman who always wanted peace with everyone
  • Jessica Davis
  • Patricia Chava Kadoche
    For my special Mom that I miss every day. May your Neshama have the highest aliyah.
  • Moshe Kimhi
    Miss you and your hugs!
  • Noah Marchand
    Love you meme❤️
  • Nachal Yisroel Kollel Entire Class Will Join
    our Kollel will beach learn in Chana Bat Moshe's merit. May Chana neshama have the highest Aliyah
  • Sarah Wages
  • Yael Hershcopf
    May her neshama have an Elijah to the highest of high. May she see a world of peace from above looking down
  • Galit MAIMON
    I met you several times and you were always easy going funny and welcoming. May your neshama have the highest aliyah. I have met all your daughters and they all have beautiful neshamot 💕💕
  • Nachal Yisrael Torah Center
    Our outreach program learning weekly Torah and saying Tehilim/tiku n klali May it bring Aliya to the beautiful Neshama of your MOTHER ע"ה
  • Sigal Ashwal
  • Eva Oliel
  • Moshe Jungreis
  • Binyamin Revizada
  • Cindy Pshemish
    May her neshama merit from all the love and emunah she left behind in her beautiful family!
  • Yaacov Elbaz
  • Michel Kadoche
  • Carine Kadoche
  • B H
  • Yaffa Abihsira
    May she have an Alya in Gan eden
  • Joelle Rodin
  • Joy Elhadad
  • Leeat Swartz
  • Anonymous
  • Elie Mamann
  • Leon Elmaleh
  • Annie Kadoch
    Liulay Nishmat Chana Bat Moshe Annie Kadoche's
  • Preci Elmaleh
  • Arielle Kadoch
    Love you tata Annie❤️
  • Sherry Nussbaum
    Tliluy nishmas a woman who was a queen in my eyes. I miss her very much!.
  • Asher Yehoshua K
    I love you meme I miss coming to visit you. You give the best hugs make the yummiest food. I am going to watch these videos and make you proud so your neshama can be the closest to hashem!❤
  • Mercedes Ibghi
  • Mercedes
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I took the Shalom Challenge and I'm so excited to have you join me!

Get 4 weeks of daily 2 minute videos and wisdom bytes with practical guidance to conflict free relationships.

What do I get when I join?
A 4-week journey to Shalom
— in all your relationships

Every morning, you’ll get an email or whatsapp
with a 2 minute video or thought & a quick action
step you can take to better relationships.
Week 1 Creating peace with how I view people
Week 2 Enabling peace with how I feel & think
Week 3 Bringing peace with how I speak
Week 4 Activating peace with things I do

You’ll learn things like:

  • How to appreciate someone else's opinion even when they are wrong
  • 4 mindset changes that will help you stay strong and move on … even when somebody really hurts you
  • What is a Shalom Account and how you can use it to bounce out of conflict
  • The most powerful piece everybody misses when they apologize
  • And much, much more...
4 Ways to Practice Peace