
Hindy Housman
Oceans and lockdowns can not divide hearts that are connected.
Ayala Hart
Gitty, anything you are part of, I’m exciting to learn! Thank you
Rivka Glatzer
Mordi Slavin
Go Gitty!
Naomi Lucas
Fraidy Kriger
Miriam Klein
the only language that connects everyone is the language of love and peace
Leeby Weinberg
Ditto Hindy:)
Leeby Weinberg
Ditto Hindy! :)
Myra Landerer
Thanks for making me part of this amazing project!
Ricky Halioua
what a zchus
Anonymous Sponsor
Frumi Tabak
Sarah Levy
Go Mommy! Lots of nachas from me
Chana Levy
Mechayil el chayil! We are so proud and love you so much!
Chaim Levy
I'm so happy to be part this amazing shalom initiative, and as usual I'm on your team!!
Liba Lisser
Lots of bracha in the zechus of all the shalom being spread!
Liba Lisser
Much brocha in the zechus of all the shalom being spread!
Yudit Levy
so nice to join this Shalom Challenge! Hatzlacha to us all!!
Yudit Levy
May we all see brocha in our lives in the zechus of shalom being spread!
Chana Levy
Liba Lisser
Zissy Levy
Liba Lisser
On your team, always!
Brochie Weinberger
Shalom is contagious and The Shalom Challenge is making me a carrier!